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Whats up?

June 28 2024

So i went ahead and changed the layout. It took a while cause i was Trying to figure out what font i wanted. So came up with this one. I didn't relaized that i had Media twice added on here. So i went and fixed that. Then i went to the "Domain Page" added link me buttons, links out a guestbook, past layouts page and i added a Lyric Page which when i come and update i'll add a new song to the list. Today i just added Sooner or Later Lyrics and a video at the bottom. I think that pretty much sums up with everything i did. I really hope you all like this new layout <3 talk soon!

It's Been a While..

June 5 2024

Hey whats up? it's been a while since i updated this site, but what i did was put uo a new layout, Then i went on to move pages around and uploaded a new button and I also put some links up for all my websites so that you can visit them all. I really hope you enjoy this new layout. This one i like better then the last one. Anyways leave some feedback on cbox and if you wanna be on the fan page also comment on the cbox with the link of your site alright and im going to work on the credits page and then i am done for this website <3

Decided to come back!

April 15 2024

I decided to bring this site back up. I will be working all the others this week and do this one as well but first im going to work on this one tonight <3 talk soon. Hope you like this new layout..